Our Programs
Life Skills and Residency Program
Killara Life Skills Coaches are mentors, advocates, and role models. Their role is to support our program participants and help them reach their full potential.
Each of our participants are placed in secure employment, offered Killara-provided accommodation, and have access to a dedicated coach. This is achieved through our Culturally-safe, wraparound model of service that provides after hours life skills mentoring and accommodation to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peoples.
This includes introductions to local Indigenous Community Meeting and Gathering Places, and referrals to any necessary Culturally-appropriate support services and life skills.
*This programming is currently restricted to participants employed by one of our key commercial partners.

Killara Community Engagement
James Williams, proud Gunditjmara, Gunai, Wiradjuri, and Yorta Yorta man, represents Killara as a Community Engagement Officer throughout Naarm.
James' strong connections to Community in Naarm assists his engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The role see's James supporting Mob achieve sustainable employment, by providing key contacts to career counselling, mentorship programs, and links to relevant social and welfare assistance.

Geelong Indigenous Women's Hub
Located in Djilang (Geelong), the Killara Indigenous Women's Hub is a safe space for Community sisters to gather, seek assistance, and grow holistically.
Facilitated by Coordinator/Manager Kylie Skew, a proud Palawa and Wurundjeri woman, the Hub's aim is to increase workforce participation and holistic wellness by removing barriers, building resilience and independence, and connecting to Culture.
For Indigenous women in need of assistance in the area, the Hub is located at Corio Village, 83A Purnell, Bacchus Marsh Rd, Corio VIC 3214. PH: 0499 286 221

Killara Cafe
In partnership with Stockland Housing, Mount Atkinson Community Centre, and Mount Atkinson Holdings, the Killara Cafe is a social enterprise located at Stockland Mount Atkinson in Truganina.
This venture fits Killara’s vision by creating sustainable, Culturally-safe employment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
As a social enterprise, all profits are redistributed back into our organisation to support the services that we provide for Community on Wurundjeri and Wathaurong Country.

Cultural Awareness Training
In addition to helping organisations find diverse talent, Killara is committed to promoting cultural awareness throughout the private and public sector.
A critical step in closing the gap is connection and understanding through cultural awareness. We provide both physical and virtual training programs tailored to any organisation.
If your organisation or business wants to encourage equality and inclusion with your workplace then talk to us today.

Business Mentoring
Killara is focused on building enduring relationships of trust and respect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and supporting businesses with similar goals.
Killara works together with Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCO) across Victoria that are committed to culturally-safe mentorship of emerging business owners.
We prioritise the developing of strong and lasting partnerships that will create positive outcomes for all, and close the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples looking to start and grow their businesses.

Level 1, 90 Collins Street, Naarm (Melbourne), VIC 3000
(03) 9103 1464